A jolly jaunt for Moody Food down to Knighton to take part in the centenary celebrations of Premier Foods. The proceeds of the week-long festival of events went to worthy causes and were shared between the Midlands Air Ambulance and Help For Heroes.
Dancing was held in a marquee, with the wind doing its bets to uproot it, and with the poshest dance floor we've ever seen. The light is always interesting in marquees for it slowly fades as the evening melts into night.
We're often asked what the difference is between a ceili and a barn dance – well this was definitely a barn dance what with the straw bales, cowboy hats and checked shirts and even some impromptu line dancing. We don't need much excuse to play Bill Monroe's Southern Flavor, but tonight it felt just right.
Sylvia's dances for your Moody Food Dance Card:
Behind the Haystack / Merrily Danced the Quaker's Wife
The Snowball
Goatland Square Eight
Circle Mixer
The Siege of Delhi / The Earl's Chair
Strip the Willow
Circle Waltz
Boston Tea Party
The Gravel Walks / Crowley's Reel
Waterloo Dance
The Willow Tree
Southern Flavor
Cumberland Square Eight
Circassian Circle
Cock o' the North